Indian Terrain’s Loyalty Program Man2Man offers exclusive rewards and privileges to its loyal customers. Earn, accumulate and redeem loyalty points every time you shop with us. Enjoy your privileges across our online and offline stores seamlessly.

Enrol today, BE A PART OF THE Man2Man loyalty program. Update your profile and receive A `250 voucher* for your next purchase.

  • Get exclusive access to Sale Previews and Season Launch across platforms
  • Exclusive Store Service on pre-booking at any of the brand outlets*
  • Exclusive goodies for monthly top spenders
  • Earn 7 points for every `100 spent
  • Earn 1000 points for becoming a Master Member
  • Points are valid for 12 months from date of purchase
  • Get a 30% Off Gift Voucher* in your birthday month
  • Get INR 500 Gift Voucher* on your kid’s birthday
This is an advanced section. Knowledge of web design languages such as HTML, CSS is required.
  • Earn 5 points for every `100 spent
  • Earn 500 points for becoming a Pro Member
  • Points are valid for 12 months from date of purchase
  • Get a 25% Off Gift Voucher* in your birthday month
  • Get INR 300 Gift Voucher* on your kid’s birthday
This is an advanced section. Knowledge of web design languages such as HTML, CSS is required.
  • Earn 3 points for every `100 spent
  • Points are valid for 9 months from date of purchase
  • Get a 20% Off Gift Voucher* in your birthday month
This is an advanced section. Knowledge of web design languages such as HTML, CSS is required.

* Terms and Conditions:

  • Vouchers might have a minimum spend and maximum discount • Voucher validity period cannot be extended
  • Exclusive store service will not be available during EOSS • All legal aspects will be applicable to Chennai Jurisdiction
  • All decisions are final and Indian Terrain reserves the right to change any of the terms and conditions herein at any time without prior notice.

What is Indian Terrain’s loyalty program?

Man2Man is Indian Terrain’s loyalty program that lets you earn points on all your merchandise purchases and redeem those points for rewards. This loyalty program is available across all Indian Terrain stores.

This loyalty program allows you to earn points equivalent to 3%, 5% and 7% of your purchase value provided you make purchases worth a maximum of Rs 4999, between Rs 5000- Rs 14,999 and above Rs 15,000, respectively.

You are eligible to earn 100 free loyalty points upon enrolment for the program.

Loyalty points can be redeemed by the customer in the subsequent transaction. Customers will require a minimum of 150 loyalty points to redeem a reward. Only a maximum of 5000 loyalty points are redeemable per bill.

How do I earn loyalty points?

For every purchase of yours that amounts to a value less than Rs 4,999, to a value lying between Rs 5000- Rs 14,999 and to a value above Rs 15,000, you will be awarded points equivalent to 3%, 5% and 7% of purchase value, respectively. Each point is valued at Re.1. You will be eligible to redeem your points only when it reaches a minimum of 150.

Upon Purchasing An Order Online, When Do The Loyalty Points Get Added To My Account?

All loyalty points earned during a transaction will get added to your loyalty account after 16 days of the order purchase, or after the return period for that order is over.

What type of merchandise will earn me loyalty points?

You are eligible to earn loyalty points for any merchandise that you shop at Indian Terrain

What happens to my points when I return items that I purchased at the store (offline)?

Upon returning the items you purchased offline, the loyalty points you made use of during the purchase will be reversed to your account.

When will my loyalty points expire?

If you have collected loyalty points worth 3% of your purchase value, they will expire within 6 months from the date of purchase. Similarly, upon collecting loyalty points worth 5% and 7% of your purchase value, they will expire within 12 months and 18 months from the date of purchase, respectively.

How can I upgrade my loyalty program?

You can upgrade your loyalty program from tier 1(Star) to tier 2(Pro) by increasing your purchase value from Rs 5,000 to any value under Rs 14,999. To upgrade your loyalty program from tier 2 (Pro) to tier 3 (Masters), increase your purchase value to any amount above Rs 15,000.

Can I redeem my loyalty points on discounted products?

Yes. You can redeem loyalty points on discounted products. However, on those, you will be able to redeem only 50% of the loyalty points that you would otherwise attain on a non-discounted product (of the same purchase value). Please note that on a non-discounted merchandise you will always be eligible to redeem full value of your loyalty points.